
Industry & production

Companies and groups ...

... companies of all sizes are active on international markets. As a result, they face extensive legal challenges that span the entire spectrum of applicable law. We have made it our mission to advise and represent the industry on legal challenges in key areas.


... and its lawyers offer specialised advice and many years of experience in selected areas of law and industry. Our clients include medium-sized companies and corporate groups that operate nationally and internationally. Due to our established client structures and acquired expertise, we are particularly active for companies in the rail vehicle construction and mechanical engineering sectors. We draw up and evaluate complex supply and service contracts, manage the contract structure, advise on contract negotiations or conduct these for our clients. In the area of just-in-time production, we defend against or enforce claims for damages. We have particular experience in optimising interest rates and liquidity through cash pooling.

Law in the industry

Regulation and

The industrial sector is subject to a variety of regulations and laws set by government agencies to ensure environmental, safety and labour standards. Companies must ensure that they comply with all relevant regulations to avoid penalties and protect their reputation.

Labour law

Labour regulations are particularly important in industry, as accidents at work and safety risks can occur more frequently. Companies must ensure that they comply with all labour regulations, including safety standards, working hours, wages and employee rights.

Environmental law

Industrial companies often face strict environmental requirements and regulations, particularly in relation to waste disposal, emissions and the protection of natural resources. Compliance with these regulations is crucial to avoid legal problems and reputational risks.

Our services

In a globally networked and increasingly digitalised world, we take care of intellectual property such as patents, trademarks and copyrights. We evaluate and manage national and international data transfer, corporate IT and protect your business secrets.

Overall, the law in the industrial sector is extremely complex and requires a thorough understanding of the specific legal requirements facing companies in this sector. Companies need to work closely with legal advisors to ensure that they comply with all relevant laws and regulations and minimise legal risks.

Data protection in the industry

German industry is: 
highly specialised
globally networked

The ever-increasing pressure to harness the machine data generated and use it to optimise your own processes always requires a data protection assessment. Analysing data from your own employees or from your customers' employees is a regular part of evaluating operating data, e.g. from MES systems.

We are experts

MKM Datenschutz GmbH offers you specialised advice based on many years of experience on all data protection issues, both at national and international level. We understand your processes and challenges and see it as our task - whether as an external data protection officer or as an experienced data protection consultant - to harmonise the requirements of data protection with your economic goals. 

Our ultimate goal ...

... is to develop a customised solution concept tailored to your needs and integrate it seamlessly into your business processes.

Your expert for legally compliant solutions

Put the protection of your data in the hands of MKM Datenschutz and benefit from our agile methods and legally compliant solutions. Of course, our lawyers will also represent you before courts and authorities if required.

Get in touch with our contacts for an initial non-binding consultation and benefit from a partnership with MKM's data protection experts.

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