
Trademark & Design Law

Products with a special image or distinctive characteristics that set them apart from similar products on the market are referred to as trademarks. As the design of a product has become a crucial purchasing factor for many buyers, it is also important to protect the external design of your products.

Our team offers comprehensive trademark strategy consulting (fee schedule). With an internationally well-established network of partner law firms, we register trademarks and designs on a global basis, manage renewals, and handle transfers for all industrial property rights. As part of collision monitoring, we observe the relevant market and take care of the defense of IP rights. Our consulting is complemented by a portal that allows our clients to access all relevant information about their files anytime and from anywhere.


Here is the link to the portal:

"Intellectual property is the key to competition in a global economy."
Fabian Dechent
Rechtsanwalt I Equity Partner
+49 911 669 577
Andree Hönninger
Rechtsanwalt I Fachanwalt für IT-Recht
+49 911 669 577
Gabriele Fuchs
Marken-, Design- und Patentreferentin
+49 911 669 577

Overview of our consulting services:

    • Building a Protection Rights Portfolio: Support in the conception and selection of protection rights; development of trademark strategies and recommendations for territorial coverage; consulting on design registration for products distinguished primarily by aesthetic aspects.
    • Conducting Trademark and Design Research: Analysis of results with actionable recommendations.
    • Trademark Registration: Examination of registrability; creation of customized goods/services lists; trademark applications in Germany, Union trademarks (EU), International trademarks (IR), national applications, and international coordination through a global network.
    • Optimization of Existing Trademark Rights: Review for cost savings.
    • Management of Trademark and Design Rights: Maintenance (renewals), transfers, name changes.
    • Defense of Trademark Rights: Monitoring collisions with third-party rights, conducting opposition/cancellation proceedings.
    • Product Piracy: Trademark infringements; cease-and-desist letters; IP litigation; efficient legal representation in enforcing claims; international coordination through a global network; customs seizures.
    • Design Registration: Examination of registrability; classification into Locarno classes; registration of designs in Germany, EU designs, international registrations under the Hague Agreement (HMA), and national applications.
    • Contract Drafting: License agreements, delimitation agreements.
    • Conducting IP Transactions: Assessment of the value of intellectual property rights, including legal validity and enforceability.