Clients, architects, construction companies, developers, and other parties involved in construction must increasingly comply with regulations from both private and public construction law. Legal disputes over construction defects or architect fees often last for many years. We stand by you as a persistent and patient partner with our construction law practice group.
Good conflict avoidance is achieved through a solid contract. Integrating the needs and goals of our clients to a degree that is also acceptable to the contracting party is our high art. However, should a conflict arise, we do not shy away from confrontation and regularly demonstrate excellent perseverance.

KrecichwostRechtsanwalt I Equity Partner I Fachanwalt für Bau- und Architektenrecht

WeissRechtsanwalt I Salary Partner I Fachanwalt für Bau- und Architektenrecht

AndreeRechtsanwältin I Salary Partner I Fachanwältin für Miet- und Wohnungseigentumsrecht
“Perseverance and Patience
characterize Lawyers
in Construction & Architects Law.”
Special expertise, as well as specialized knowledge gained through experience, set us apart:
- Consulting and representation in public procurement procedures according to VOB/A, especially in municipal tenders in the field of civil engineering and trenchless sewer rehabilitation.
- Drafting, reviewing, commenting on, and negotiating architect, construction, and developer contracts.
- Extrajudicial and judicial representation of construction companies, clients, and developers in contractual disputes under the BGB (German Civil Code) and VOB/B (General Terms and Conditions for the Execution of Construction Work).
- Extrajudicial and judicial enforcement or defense of architect fees and architect liability.